嘉莉(珍妮弗·琼斯 Jennifer Jones 饰)出身于偏僻贫穷的山村,长大之后,她来到了繁华的大都市芝加哥,希望能够在这里过上自己梦想中的生活。然而,现实却是残酷的,拮据的经济让她不得不过着寄人篱下的日子。一次偶然中,嘉莉在火车上遇见了名为杜洛埃(埃迪·艾伯特 Eddie Albert 饰)的男子,杜洛埃多金又慷慨,嘉莉遂即同他开始了同居生活。...
Busan’s representative director Jeon Soo-il’s eight full feature film is set around 'Pink', a shabby bar, and captures in detail the low lives with the director’s characteristic static style. The performance by Seo Gap-suk, who returns to the big screen for the first in over 10 years since [Bongja], music by artist Kang San-eh, and the picturesque scenery of Goon-san beach, plete with the flying seagulls, add make the film an unquestionably memorable experience.</p>...